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At the start of each assessment, Laura will discuss any particular issues you are concerned about and what you hope to gain from the fitting.


She will make a physical examination of the horse’s facial anatomy, noting features such as lip thickness, tongue size, the height of the top palate and the distance from the commissure of the lips to the first premolars (please mention when booking if your horse is nervous of having their mouth examined).  


After this she will ask for the horse to be ridden in its usual tack, preferably by their usual rider.  This is important in making the correct bit selection for the horse and rider as a combination.  We all ride differently and this is taken into account when making recommendations. Laura can also discuss specific issues and gain feedback from the rider at this time. It is useful to watch the horse in all three gaits but fitting can be done in walk and trot if necessary.



Laura will then recommend a bit, explaining her selection while guiding the rider through fitting and transitioning to the new item. The rider will then be asked to try the bit and provide feedback, while Laura assesses the horse's reactions. Several bits can be trialled to ensure the best fit. Once both are happy that an improvement has been made the recommendation will then be recorded for the rider and they are free to spend any remaining session time riding in their selection.



Each fitting will take approximately one hour for a single discipline, eg jumping *or* flatwork. This length of time can, however, vary depending on individual circumstances.  



If you would like to be fitted for two disciplines please mention this when booking so that extra time can be allotted.  There is also an additional charge for two disciplines.





**Before Booking**


It is strongly recommended that your horse has had their teeth, saddle fit, and back checked by a professional within six months prior to consultation.  This ensures that you and your horse will get the most possible benefit from the fitting.  






 Buying Bits


Laura is not affiliated with any bitting manufacturers and is therefore able to offer completely impartial advice.  She does not sell bits from her collection but encourages clients to search a variety of sources in order to find the best price.  






If you have any questions regarding Bit Fittings please get in touch or click here for information on fees.






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